Memorial Gifts

A special way to honor the memory of a loved one while making a way for those in our city who need help.

Memorial Gifts and Tributes

If you have a loved one who cares deeply about those in Columbia experiencing poverty, establishing a Memorial or Tribute Gift is a meaningful way to honor your loved one or to celebrate a special occasion while supporting Love Columbia. Your Memorial or Tribute Gift will be a lasting honor to your loved one and make a difference in the lives of those right here in Columbia who are in need.

Memorial Website Donations

To make memorial donations online, Click Here, and check the I would like to dedicate this donation box.

Memorial Check

In lieu of flowers, you can include this information and address in the obituary.

All checks should be made out to Love Columbia. In the memo or note portion of the check, each donor should write “Memorial Gift”. Send all checks to:

Love Columbia 
Attn: Memorial Gifts
1209 E Walnut 
Columbia, MO  65201

Checks can be sent individually OR they can be collected and sent directly to us at the above address. Contact us at 573-256-7662 ext. 138 if you have specific questions.