Living on a Fixed Income

A monthly support group for those of us living on fixed incomes

Where: The Love Columbia Center (1209 E Walnut St)
When: Second Thursday of each month from 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
What: Meetings focus on developing support, knowledge, and friendships

Each meeting will feature a guest presenter sharing a money saving skill. We will then have a short presentation with handouts referencing free or low-cost Columbia services for you and your family. Group sharing, conversation and special activities will follow. These fun events will focus on developing support, knowledge, and friendships. We hope to have this program presented via Zoom soon as well as live!

Plans are for this program to occur the second Thursday of each month in the Love Columbia building, 1:30 PM - 2:30PM. Come and meet new friends as we share information and ideas on this meaningful topic!

This program is open to the public as well as clients, staff and volunteers of Love Columbia.

It’s helpful to RSVP so we will have ample materials, but do not hesitate to come if you forget (or can’t) RSVP!
Text or call Claire Van Doren at 573.970.0927

Want to attend virtually?

Meeting ID: 883 6558 4521
Passcode: 160661

  • No problem! Each event will be a stand-alone event, with new speakers, topics, and activities each time. We do hope you will attend often because forming support groups of friends and acquaintances is essential to success in navigating the complexities of today’s world.

  • Absolutely! We WANT your input. Telling us what will be useful will be a big help to this program. Just have a chat with the Love Columbia host at the meeting.

  • One very important thing is for you to sign in each meeting. Love Columbia needs proof of your attendance when applying for the grants that help fund us. You may also be asked to submit a short “comments” section at the end of meetings for the very same purpose.