Cups of Love

Jane Williams, Executive Director | July 2001

"Love makes up for practically anything." I Peter 4: 8 The Message

Love. Love fervently. Love at all costs. Love like I do. Love extravagantly, not with careful measuring but with lavish abandon. I mean toward others, not just Me. For that is loving Me. That is what I want in exchange for the love I have given you.

Do not hold onto grievances and offenses. Do not be bogged down with the past. Do not hold onto hurts and nurture them. Remember the cross. Think of My words spoken from there. Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. Think of My words, it is finished. and let it be so with you. If I could declare an end to accounts of sin and declare them forgiven, cannot you? The offspring of My very word. The ones borne out of My pain and My labor on the cross? I have suffered so that you might know peace. And if I call you to suffer so that you might bring peace to others, would that be too much for Me to ask?

I am calling you to a life laid down for My sake and for the spreading of My gospel. Do you know what that means? Gospel: that means living for others, laying down what you want for the sake of some one else. That is the good news. That is what makes people glad. I gave up My life for others. I gave up My rights and privileges for the sake of the lost world. Is it not right that you would do the same? Is it not right that you would display a changed life by doing what I did? Lay down your lives. Lay them down gladly. Be willing to be misunderstood and keep going. Be willing to crucify your flesh as I did. Be willing to say, I will not insist on my way. And if you do, if you pick up your cross and follow Me, the world will be changed. The world will be transformed by the love of Christ.

I am coming. I am coming to make all things right but before I make My final appearance I want you to shine. I want My church, My bride to become like Me. I want it to be clear that we are going to be equally yoked in the coming age. I want My saints to reveal My glory, the glory of the cross. The glory of lives laid willingly down. Why do you think there have been more martyrs in the past 100 years than ever before? It is because we are getting closer. We are getting close to the end of time. We are getting closer to the culmination of the age. I want My bride to shine. I want My appointed ones to be dazzling and beautiful beyond compare. Are you willing to suffer? Are you willing to be refined as gold? Are you willing to live as I did when I walked the earth? In humbleness and meekness, not repaying evil with evil but good? I want you to be like Me. Can I make it more clear? And there is no other way but suffering and trial to accomplish this. Oh, your life will not solely consist of such things for indeed, you live in the day angels longed to see. But you will not be perfected only by visions and revelations and miracles, you will be perfected by hard times as well. Suffer well, endure patiently for in doing so you will inherit much. The kings of this earth have only glimpsed what you will see and indeed what you will have for your very own.

Be glad when hard times fall upon you. Be glad when your best efforts to serve Me are despised for such times bring you great reward in the end. I want you to love more fervently than ever before. I want you to passionately love all those I bring to you. It may be harder to love those in the church than those outside at times but I declare

you will have enough love to go around if you wait on Me. Seek Me for love. I will fill you. I will be more than enough. Think again of My cross. Did I not clearly have enough love for the whole world? Would it not be enough to fill your heart for all the people you meet? I am with you. I am for you. I will be your all in all. I want My name glorified and I have decided to use you.

Will you be My cup, one I can fill and pour out again and again? Will you come under My spout today and be filled anew? Will you allow Me to fill you to the very top? Will you then allow Me the discretion of pouring you out where I choose? For in some cases, I will empty you over those you would have served sparingly. I will lavish your contents on those you think should have gotten only a few drops. Will you be My cup? Will you truly let Me be the filler and the one who pours? For indeed many in the body of Christ today are willing to be filled but few are willing to be poured out. Let Me fill you. That is crucial. But let Me pour you out as well. That is the only way we will truly know co-laboring. I will fill you again and again. I will empty My very self into you over and over again. And if I would say, cover the undeserving or proud, would you debate with Me or would you willingly give yourself and see what I might do? For the love of another is a powerful medicine in the hand of God. Will you be My healing balm? Will you be My potion for the ills of society?

'Do it according to Your will, Lord." Yes, that is the answer I was looking for. According to My will. And in these days, I declare, you will see many a weary soul revived and many a dry, hardened heart made flesh as you pour out the love of God extravagantly. Pour out. Pour out. Let Me hold your life over whom I will. Let Me expend the resources I Myself have given you. For indeed without Me you would be empty yourself. Be My willing vessel. Be My healing balm. I am seeking vessels to fill in these days and even more so, vessels to pour out. I want to be the hand holding you and I want to be the One who refills. Come to Me. Seek Me and I will both fill and enable you to be expended for the sake of the gospel, for the sake of making Me known in all the earth. My ways are not always yours and I would not have you second guessing Me in My assignments of love. Co-workers, neighbors, fellow servants in the church, the lost and hungry of the streets - where would I pour you this day? Ask Me that and you will be assured not only of a life poured out but of a life filled again and again abundantly. I would come to you this day and give you My best. I would come to you this day and say, pour Me out.


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