Social Security - Mobile Check-In Express

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Clients visiting local Social Security offices can check-in from their mobile device using our new feature, Mobile Check-In Express. To use Mobile Check-In Express, your clients can scan the QR code located at the local Social Security office they’re visiting. This will allow your clients to check in for both scheduled appointments and non-scheduled visits.

For Mobile Check-In Express to work, your clients must be at the Social Security office and have their mobile location services on. They should also make sure they’re using the latest version of their internet browser. The service is most compatible with Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Firefox. Your clients will also want to:

  • Ensure they are in the Social Security office when their ticket number is called.

  • Enable their mobile notifications. This will:

    • Allow them to receive their electronic ticket – so they’ll know their place in line.

    • Alert them when we’re ready to help them.

    • Provide them with their interview location information.

    • Invite them to participate in our feedback survey.

Please encourage your clients to use Mobile Check-In Express for all office visits and share this message with colleagues, family members and friends.


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