Healthy Homes & Families

Extra Mile Homes provides 4 to 6 months of transitional housing for families with children experiencing homelessness. You may be eligible for the Extra Mile Homes program if you:

  • Desire a stable environment and supportive services 

  • Have a high level of motivation to make positive changes

  • Have children under 18, a stable income, and are willing to save 30% while in the program

Frequently Asked:
How do I apply for an Extra Mile Home?

If you are already a participant in a Love Columbia program, contact your advisor or coach for more information on Extra Mile Homes.

If you are not yet part of the Love Columbia Community, reach out to our Connections team for an evaluation of your family’s needs to be matched with a Love Columbia program.

Contact Us


Call Love Columbia at 573-256-7662 and press option 1 during the public phone hours:

Monday 8:30-9:30 AM
Wednesday 3:30-4:30 PM

** Please note, these times are subject to change.


Our Connections team will respond to your voicemail within 1 to 3 business days to complete a screening and verify which of our programs best fits your need.


You will be scheduled for an appointment with one of our staff. Their priority is to get to know you, support you, and offer you the most strategic help possible.
