Report from the Field: Hope and Help is Rising! Nineteen COVID Conversations

This card, written on a piece of paper from the office copier, was left by a client along with a beautiful home-cooked meal for staff on Thursday 4/30/2020
“We finally have our own address!”
Mother of five rejoicing after hotel and shelter living.
“Would it be okay if my wife and I bought a condo for you to use for another transitional home? We would pay the utilities and let you manage it to help more homeless families.”
Love INC supporter.
 "Our church has members pledging their stimulus checks. What are the needs?”
Local pastor.
"I can bring gift cards, toilet paper, food, and cleaning supplies. What do you need?”
Multiple individuals.
“My boss just got a new cleaning contract and now that my car is fixed, he is putting me back on the schedule!”
Car repair recipient.
“When we were put out of the house and all the shelters were full, the police told us to call you.”
Mother of infant twins initially housed in hotel and now transitioned to income-based apartment.
“First you found a landlord who would rent to me and now you are giving me the furniture I needed too.”
Joyful cancer patient forced to leave current housing situation.
“I wanted you to be the first to know. They hired me!”
Laid off worker to career coach volunteer.
“So many resources coming in and so much joy to be able to meet the needs.”
Love INC staff commenting on in-kind and financial donations to share.
“She started crying when I handed her a phone minutes card.”
Volunteer who made a delivery to woman unable to take any steps forward without a phone.
“I made a pickup from a donor who left a toaster oven and food on his doorstep. The exact items that a dad and his 13 year old boy at the hotel needed. The donor even stuck in some magazines and a game of dominoes that really made them smile.”
Staff delivering to hotel families.
“Do you have any plans for a birthday party for your daughter?”
Volunteer who later brought a cake and gifts to 4 year old staying with dad at hotel.
“You would really drive me fifty miles from here to get my W2 forms out of my broken down car?”
Single dad staying at hotel to volunteer; mission accomplished and forms passed off to second volunteer who filed taxes; Dad will get car repaired with refund and stimulus check.
“Morning, I just want to tell you thank you so much for the food and the sweet lady that delivered it to me and prayed with me. I really needed that. Thank you.”
Text from food recipient.
“You people are really gracious. You are giving this family a wonderful new start”
Landlord who accepted a rent deposit check for family of 7 moving out of hotel.
“I was abandoned by my parents. I have never had anyone who cared about my hopes and dreams before.”
Single dad laid off from two restaurant jobs, helped to file for unemployment and set career goals.
“They are using their stimulus check to pay off old utility bills to prepare to move into their new place!”
Animated budget coach helping family move into permanent housing.
“Thank you God for this beautiful house. Thank you for each of these people that helped us move into the house.”
8 year old boy whose family just moved into one of our transitional houses. When the moving volunteers gathered to pray a blessing over the house, the boy asked if he could pray too. Afterward he said,
“That was the first time I ever said a prayer!”

Challenges Loom

Love Inc Moving Van

Looking Back

The first month of COVID fallout revealed many of Columbia's most vulnerable as they slipped through the cracks into homelessness. To date, Love INC volunteers and staff have assisted 28 such newly homeless families. Half of these have found permanent housing with assistance from Love INC.  Staff and volunteers provided 135 financial, employment and housing coaching sessions resulting in eight people securing jobs or better pay. Numerous people were helped to obtain unemployment, file their taxes and receive their stimulus check.

Looking Forward

What looms ahead for those who have never before needed assistance is uncertain. We have been in many Zoom meetings with city officials working together to best evaluate and prepare for the anticipated need. Currently, many Columbians are surviving on stimulus payments and unemployment. Utility disconnects, eviction processes, and some rent payments have been postponed - but those protections will end soon as many struggle to find new work. Nearly 5,000 applications for unemployment were filed in Columbia last month.

Cars and Employment - the Chicken and the Egg

"How can I get to work without a car?" "How can I pay for a car without a job? "This is the dilemma many who reach out to Love INC are facing. We have seen a reliable vehicle change a family's trajectory many times. Love INC is always in need of serviceable vehicles. If you have one to donate please contact Aaron.

Report from the Field Mid May 2020


Love Inc Aiding Covid-19 Economic Fallout