Sunny Oak Equine Assisted Activities

This page is part of the LOVE Columbia information library website. To contact the organization listed below, please follow links or phone numbers given within the article.

·         Ages: 2 years old and up

·         Cost: $225 per month

·         Sessions: Spring starts in March, Summer starts in June, Summer Day Camp, Fall starts in September

·         Location: 12551 Rocheport Gravel Road, Rocheport, MO 65279

How Horses Help:
Research has shown that the three-dimensional movement of the horse is comparable to the movement of the human walk and improves balance, flexibility and coordination of the rider. Speech and language improve as riders breathe and communicates with their horses. Doing exercises on a moving horse is challenging and improves strength, muscle tone and self-esteem. As a rider interacts and bonds with a horse, self confidence and motivation increase, leading to success in other areas of life.

Who We Help:
Cerebral Palsy
Down Syndrome
Multiple Sclerosis
At risk

Adaptive Riding Lessons: 6-week sessions, available Spring, Summer, Fall
Each lesson is planned to be fun and educational. Beginning with grooming and leading, after mounting, exercises designed to develop rider’s physical strength and coordination are taught. The student is introduced to basic riding skills: Whoa, steering, correct body position and two-point with lesson concluding with a game designed to practice the skills learned. Lessons are limited to 4-5 riders to ensure a quality, individualized experience for each rider.

Summer Day Camp
Week-long sessions June-July (Mon-Fri):
Camp will cover basic horsemanship skills such as leading, grooming, and tack up as each camper cares for his/her own horse.
• Riding lesson each day, beginning with exercises, then developing skills and concluding with a mounted game.
• Lunch and other activities – arts & crafts, stable management – end the day of camp.
• A horse show is held on the last day of camp for friends and family of the campers.
12551 Rocheport Gravel Road
Rocheport, MO 65279
(573) 356-3877
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