MU Physical Therapy Dept/Tiger Acacemy of Gymnastics

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Adapted Gymnastics is a program coordinated between MU Physical Therapy and Tiger Academy of Gymnastics. With the help of PT and other Health Professions students, children ages 3-18 with various impairments are able to safely participate in modified gymnastics, gross motor and socialization activities based on each child’s individual needs. Adapted Gymnastics typically meets 10 sessions each fall and spring semester on Sundays from 3-5:30pm.

Sessions take place on Sunday afternoons. Children ages
3-6 attend from 3:00-4:00 pm. Children ages 7-18+ attend from 4:15-5:15 pm. Select specific dates on the registration form.

$20 per participant, per semester covers all sessions. Coaches are unpaid volunteers, and the fees are donated to Tiger Academy Gymnastics for allowing us to use their space and equipment.

For questions email:

3609 Mojave Ct.
Columbia MO 65202
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