Boys and Girls Club

This page is part of the LOVE Columbia information library website. To contact the organization listed below, please follow links or phone numbers given within the article.

Boys and Girls Club of Colummbia is a positive and safe afterschool program that provides mentorship, homework help, and opportunities for kids to grow into the best versions of themselves. Afterschool programming offers lessons and activities around 5 core program areas: 

  1. Academic Success

  2. Arts & Expression

  3. Healthy Lifestyles

  4. Sports & Recreation

  5. Character & Leadership

Through these core programs, students achieve academic confidence, learn how to navigate and live a healthy life, and learn what it takes to become a responsible, productive citizen. 

Afterschool programming is limited and takes place at our clubhouse facility (1200 N. 7th Street, Columbia, MO) from the time the school dismissal bell rings to 6:30 p.m. 

1200 N 7th Street
Columbia, MO 65201

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Bright Futures


The BOLD Academy