Columbia Housing Options

Choosing the Best Option

It is generally recommended that 30% of one’s income be spent on housing. This is not always possible in Columbia because of the high rent associated with being a college town. Here are some considerations and a general outline of Columbia options.

Consider Creating a Long-Term Housing Plan

You may need to start with a less than ideal setting that gives you a chance to save money or have a safety net until your situation improves.

For example:

  • A shelter or transitional house may be a good first step. This could give you an opportunity to save for a deposit/first month's rent or provide time for your name to move to the top of a list for subsidized housing/Housing Choice Voucher.

  • Subsidized housing or Housing Choice Vouchers (sliding scale rent) may be best If you have concerns about paying full private-pay rent. This is also a good option if you have concerns about maintaining steady employment over time.

  • Housing outside Columbia is cheaper and waiting lists for subsidized housing and Housing Choice Vouchers are shorter. If you are really struggling to find housing in Columbia, you might want to consider surrounding towns.

  • CAUTION: Weekly-rate hotels may seem like a good short-term solution, but can cost $300-$400 per week. This may make it difficult to save for a deposit/first month’s rent that is needed for permanent housing.


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