Missouri Expungement Information

Not all crimes in Missouri can be expunged!

  1. You must file a verified petition for expungement in the civil division or the circuit court in the county where you were charged or found guilty of any offenses, violations, or infractions.

  2. You must name all law enforcement agencies, courts, municipal prosecuting attorneys, state repositories of criminal records or others you believe may possess the records for each item you are seeking to have expunged.

  3. Before applying for expungement you must wait seven years after a felony and three years after a misdemeanor or municipal offense. You must not have committed any other felonies or misdemeanors during this period. You must have paid all your fines and restitution, and all other obligations must have been satisfied.

  4. The State has 30 days to file objections to your petition. A court must hold a hearing within 60 days following the objection or 30 days after filing if there is no objection.

  5. There is a $250 application fee, unless the applicant is certified to be a poor person or unable to pay for some reason.

  6. If you are successful, you will be allowed to maintain in most circumstances that you have never been convicted of the crime(s) that were expunged.

Understanding Missouri’s New Expungement Law - Your Missouri Lawyers (missourilawyershelp.org)


Wonderland Camp


Mid Missouri Legal Services (MMLS)