Macaroni Kid (previously Hulafrog)

This page is part of the LOVE Columbia information library website. To contact the organization listed below, please follow links or phone numbers given within the article.

Macroni Kid is a national-local media company for parents. We connect moms & dads to the best local activities & resources for kids.

Macaroni Kid’s websites include a business directory, an event calendar and our signature “Our Pick” newsletters, giving families a heads up on what’s happening that week, over the weekend and in the coming months so every Macaroni Kid parent is in the know and on the go!

Macaroni Kid’s national network of local websites are each run by a local influencer—a mom or dad on the ground and in the know about the coolest things happening in their community. Their passion for all things kids drives their ability to uncover and share the best of the best, making Macaroni Kid the go-to resource for families everywhere.

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Adventure Club-University of Missouri


Childcare Aware of Missouri