Focus on Fatherhood

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Designed to help fathers improve their relationships with children, this program uses a curriculum to train men to become responsible fathers and father-figures who love and lead children to success.

Weekend With The Boys
UCB’s Weekend With The Boys is a mentoring program for elementary, middle and high school children designed to serve 20 male youths between the ages of 4 and 16. WWTB is committed to building and strengthening the character that will produce a healthy lifestyle among young boys. The program, which pairs each boy with a positive male mentor, strives to address negative behavioral issues, strengthen critical thinking skills, increase academic performance and healthy peer relationships, and encourage transformational change in our youth. Character Development Sessions will be hosted to discuss behavior modification, critical thinking, self-esteem, self-awareness and self-expression, and recreational and leisure activities will also be offered.

Club Kid Connect
Club Kid Connect is a faith-based summer youth academy for ages 4-13. CKC provides children with a safe, supervised and nurturing environment that creates a positive experience during the summer months to help children successfully transition into the new school year. CKC promotes healthy self-esteem building through group and individual activities, while also offering children fun summertime activities, including swimming, movies, ice cream socials and more. Featured events include the Academic Hour of Power, an endeavor to help participants maintain academic skills gained from the previous school year; and CKC’s Nature Camp experience, a component taught by volunteers from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, to increase the student’s awareness and knowledge of life sciences.

Transformation Project
The Transformation Project is a faith-based, job readiness training program for individuals entering or re-entering the workforce. The project’s purpose is to teach and train individuals who are unemployed or underemployed the core values necessary to seek and maintain meaningful employment. Our staff and volunteers provide coaching for personal and professional development with a two-phase objective: the development of life skills and self-worth and employment-readiness training.

The Dinner Table
The Dinner Table project is a collaboration between UCB and United Community Cathedral with the purpose of bringing families back to the table to connect. We recognize that family meal time provides an avenue for parents to model socially desirable behaviors for their children while facilitating their development as productive members of society.

Focus On Fatherhood
Designed to help fathers improve their relationships with children, UCB’s Focus on Fatherhood program uses breakthrough curriculum developed by the Urban Father-Child Project, which trains men to become responsible fathers and father-figures who love and lead children to success. This researched and theory-based curriculum is created from the Paternal System Theory and useful for guiding program interventions with fathers.

Objectives and Features:
Provide a framework for understanding the role of the father.
Address the systemic barriers to fathering.
Provide training in specific skills to become the father a child needs.

617 N Providence Rd
Columbia, MO 65203


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How to Find Day Care


Fathers Committed to Families Initiative