Sheffield Place

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Sheffield Place serves families with multiple barriers to success (mental health, addiction, and domestic violence backgrounds, low educational attainment, and felony convictions among others). The agency embraces Trauma Informed Care (TIC) and trauma recovery as the first step in healing and provides intensive mental health and addiction recovery services delivered by licensed, master’s level therapists and experienced case managers.

Once families stabilize in the residential program and transition to housing in the community, they receive ongoing case management, therapy, and other supportive services for as long as needed and at no cost through the aftercare/outpatient program. 

In addition, Sheffield Place owns and operates 10 units of housing in the neighborhood. Families may rent these houses based on a sliding scale. The families continue to receive case management and other services and may stay in the houses for as long as they desire.

(816) 483-9927

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Gibson Center


Renewed Treasures Ministries