Money Saving Transportation Tips

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Updated on: September 25, 2023
Car Payment

  • Pay off the car quicker by paying half your monthly payment every two weeks or making extra payments when possible

  • Look into refinancing your loan to get a cheaper rate.

 Car Insurance

  • Shop around

  • Raise your deductible

  • Bundle with other insurance.

  • Check for accident free or low mileage discounts.

  • Ask what other kinds of discounts or incentives are offered.


  • Avoid using premium if possible.

  • Consider fuel efficiency when you purchase a vehicle.

  • Walk or ride a bike rather than drive, when possible.

  • Keep up on vehicle maintenance.

  • See if there are co-workers or parents that you can carpool with or take turns with on taking/picking up children to activities.

Auto Maintenance

  • Keep up with manufacturer recommendations for routine maintenance such as tire air and oil changes. Try doing these things yourself, if possible. (You seriously can learn to do any automotive repairs and maintenance by googling the problem and watching someone else do it on YouTube.)

  • Repair glass chips immediately – it’s cheaper than replacing the windshield.


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