Money Saving Housing & Utilities Tips

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Updated on: September 25, 2023


  • Consider getting a roommate or renting out any extra space

  • Sign an extended lease

  • Look for housing during winter

  • Ask the landlord if you can do maintenance, repairs or updates (painting, mowing, etc.) in exchange for having your rent reduced. They’ll supply the materials and you supply the labor.

Homeowners/Renters Insurance

  • Shop around

  • Raise your deductible

  • Bundle with other insured property (auto, life, etc.)

  • Ask about discounts for home security or disaster resistance measures such as storm shutters, shatter-proof glass, reinforced roof, etc.

  • Ask about exclusive discounts such as veteran or senior citizen discounts.


City of Columbia residential electric customers who participate in the Home Performance with Energy Star program can finance the suggested energy efficiency improvements through our rebates and loans.


  • Use compact fluorescent or LED light bulbs

  • Turn down hot water heater.

  • Find out if your utility company has dual time or flat rates. If dual time, rates are lower at non-peak times, like at night. Plan your use accordingly.

  • Dry your clothes on a line (weather permitting) They make indoor clothes-drying, foldable racks so you could do this year-round, regardless of weather. Setting your washer on “cold” settings also saves some water heater costs.

  • Keep AC and furnace air filters replaced regularly (every few months) and make sure vents are uncovered.

  • Seal your home by installing weather stripping around doors, insulating outlets, spraying foam around windows and/or putting plastic to cover windows and crawl spaces

  • Use ceiling fans which will circulate heat and air

  • Turn off electronics you are not using

  • Use a fireplace or wood stove if possible; be sure smoke alarms work.

  • If you have a digital thermostat - set it to turn down/winter or up/summer during the day when no one is home, or at night while you’re asleep. Or remember to do it yourself each day and night if you don’t have digital.


  • Take short showers

    • Cold showers will make them shower MUCH quicker and saves on water heater costs :)

  • Check faucets and showerheads to make sure there is no leaking

  • Wash clothes in cold water

  • Turn off water when you are shaving or brushing your teeth

  • Do not wash “half-loads” of clothing and dishes

  • If your home has a dishwasher, avoid using it if it’s an older model. Newer models claim to use less water than doing dishes in the sink. If you go to buy a dishwasher, ask if it uses fresh water to rinse dishes or if it uses recycled water.

  • Places like southern California, where water shortages are a big problem, conserve water with this restroom slogan, “If it’s yellow, let it mellow. If it’s brown, flush it down.”  Rather crude? But if you’re desperate to save money anywhere possible, avoiding the flush every single time could save a bit on water usage.




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