Filing for Unemployment

This page is part of the LOVE Columbia information library website. To contact the organization listed below, please follow links or phone numbers given within the article.

Unemployment Criteria


  • Unemployment benefits are available to individuals who are totally or partially unemployed due to no fault of their own.

  • If an employer required an individual to stay home but did not offer telework, the individual might be eligible for benefits.

  • If an employer must shut down operations temporarily and no work is available, individuals may be eligible for unemployment benefits if they meet the eligibility criteria. Weekly work search requirements are not required when there is a recall date within eight weeks of the temporary lay-off.


  • An individual off work and still receiving pay in the form of paid sick leave, vacation pay or family medical leave pay while off of work is not “unemployed” and is ineligible for unemployment benefits.

  • If an employer allowed an individual to telework and the individual chose not to accept that work, they would not qualify for benefits because they would not be unemployed.

  • If an individual leaves work to care for children due to school/daycare closures as a result of COVID-19 they are ineligible to receive unemployment benefits in most cases.

  • If an individual has exhausted unemployment benefits for the benefit year, they are ineligible for additional unemployment benefits due to the Coronavirus

Filing for Unemployment

Or to contact Regional Claims Center representative by email:

UInteract ( is an easy to use mobile-friendly online Unemployment Insurance application that is available to workers and employers 24/7.

Taken from


The Excel Center- High School Diploma Program


Armani’s Angels