Donated Dental Services- DDS

This page is part of the LOVE Columbia information library website. To contact the organization listed below, please follow links or phone numbers given within the article.

DDS is a network of volunteer dentists who provide dental care and education to people in many counties within MO who cannot otherwise afford it. Link to Missouri counties from which applications are accepted -

If you have documentation from a physician stating that you cannot receive essential medical treatment due to your dental condition you can apply for the program even if your county is closed.

If you are a veteran who meets the qualifications above, please apply to the program by clicking the button below. Even if your county is closed, you may still apply.

Contact the DDS coordinator or access online to schedule an appointment. There may be a lengthy wait list and emergency services are not provided.

  • Have a permanent disability or

  • Who are age 65 or older or

  • Who are medically fragile.

To see if you qualify, visit this website

What to expect? 

  • Volunteers provide comprehensive treatment to eligible patients 

  • Volunteers do not provide emergency services

  • Volunteers do not provide cosmetic treatment

P.O. Box 105919
Jefferson City, MO 65110
573-636-4440 Toll free 1-866-792-9988

Visit website


Missouri Elks Benevolent Trust, Inc.


Missouri Mission of Mercy (MOMOM) - Linked to Site