Computer Technician-Career Center (Career Step)

Columbia Area Career Center (Columbia Public Schools) 4203 S. Providence Rd. Columbia, MO 65203 573-214-3800 Website:

Some say we over-train our computer technicians. We’ll take that as a compliment. You can take it as assurance that you’re getting the best training in the business. Our online computer technician training is reverse engineered from the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) certification. That’s the most prestigious recognition of real-world expertise you can get as a new computer technician.
But our program is way more than fancy training, it’s a career jump-starter (with expert job-hunting assistance built in). So, you walk away with a shiny new skillset, certification in hand and hot job prospects on the horizon. Simply put, if you’re looking for your best career retraining or upskilling option and wondering how to become a computer technician … you just found what you were looking for.


Information Systems and Technology Certificate-University of Missouri


Information Technology-Networking Certificate-MACC