MU Gift of Body Donation

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M263 Medical Sciences Building
University of Missouri School of Medicine  
One Hospital Drive  Columbia, MO 65212

Kevin Flaherty, PhD:  Gift of Body Program Director

Shannon Wetzel : Gift of Body Program Coordinator

Program Website: 

Bodies donated to the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine are used for educational purposes in the instruction for students training for the medical, physical therapy, and athletic training professions. Bodies are also used in undergraduate anatomy courses, largely populated by pre-health care professions students, and by physicians and researchers who are involved in more specific studies to advance educational and basic science research outcomes in various medical specialties, such as orthopedics, otolaryngology, and plastic surgery. Remains will eventually be cremated and the ashes returned. 

The procedure for enrolling in the Program involves completing the Donation Agreement and associated forms. One original, signed copy must be sent to the MU Gift of Body Program Coordinator. Donations must be arranged in writing in advance and completed within 24 hours of death. Donors must be at least 18 years of age, free from infection, extensive damage due to accidents or disease; weight limit: 200 lbs. 

Have a secondary plan in case the circumstances at death make the body ineligible. In general the only conditions that cause a rejection for a body donation are: (1) body not intact (exception of eye donation), (2) presence of a communicable disease (tuberculosis, AIDS, hepatitis, etc.) or any bacterial infections, (3) Maximum weight of 200 lbs. which is based on an average height, (4) body not processed in a timely manner following death and (5) any recent surgeries resulting in large incisions that have not completely healed. Occasionally there are times that donor programs are full and thus unable to accept donors.


Green Acres Cemetery/Sugar Creek Cemetery


The Genesis Donor Program