Columbia Urgent Care

This page is part of the LOVE Columbia information library website. To contact the organization listed below, please follow links or phone numbers given within the article.

Many services provided including but not limited to Primary Care, Urgent Care, Infusions, Medical Marijuana Certifications, Labs and blood work, Colds and Coughs, Respiratory Infections, Rapid Strep, Mono, and Flu Tests, X-rays, Wound Care/Cuts and Abrasions, Stitches and Stitch Removal, UTI and STD Testing/Treatment, and Sports and Work Physicals (No DOT Physicals).

Mon – Fri, 8 AM-8 PM; Sat and Sun, 10 AM – 4PM
619-621 N Providence Rd Columbia,MO 65203 573-234-1070

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Mizzou Urgent Care


Boone Medical Group Convenient Care at Parkade Center