Boone Hospital Center

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Prepared Childbirth Class

Designed to offer detailed childbirth preparation in a small group setting. The class size is limited to encourage questions, discussion and individual attention. Topics include physical and emotional changes of pregnancy, the labor and birth process, Cesarean birth, pain management, post partum and the newborn. Class will integrate massage and breathing awareness with relaxation training.

You can choose to attend a 5-hour in-person class on a Saturday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., or 2, 2-hour virtual classes held on Tuesday, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Bringing Up Boone Babies

Are you raising a newborn, infant or toddler? Do you have questions about feeding a picky eater or calming a fussy baby? Do you want to connect with other parents? Bringing Up Boone Babies is a monthly support group provided by Boone Family Birthplace. This hour-long session is led by a Boone Family Birthplace nurse. Each month, we offer a short presentation on a different topic, followed by open group discussion.

This support group is free and open to all parents of newborns, infants, and toddlers. No registration is required. Bring your baby or child with you! (We’ll have a baby scale and someone available to help comfort babies). 1st Wednesday of every month, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Better Beginnings with Breastfeeding

The longer you breastfeed, the greater the benefits!

Benefits for Baby

  • Breast milk is the perfect composition for baby.

  • Intellectual development is improved as much as 8-10 IQ points since there are certain fatty acids in breast milk which are necessary for brain development.

  • Bonding is enhanced.

  • Far less otitis media (middle ear infections).

  • Protects against allergies.

  • Protects against Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

  • Far less likely to be anemic.

  • Better vision.

  • Encourages normal weight gain.

  • Meets sucking needs and contributes to proper facial and jaw development (with less orthodontic problems.)

  • Less dental caries (cavities).

  • Protects against infections: upper respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections, diarrhea, flu, urinary tract infections, general bacterial infections, meningitis and more.

  • Less insulin-dependent diabetes, immune system disorders, childhood cancer, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis.

  • Baby girls will experience a decreased risk of breast cancer in later years.

Benefits for Mother

  • Naturally pleasurable and relaxing.

  • Prolactin influences feelings of motherliness.

  • Convenient: breast milk is always available.

  • Enhances uterine involution (uterus gets back to normal size sooner).

  • Delays onset of menstrual cycles.

  • Increased caloric demand leads to weight loss (especially with longer durations of breastfeeding).

  • Healthier baby makes for a happier mother.

  • Much less expense than with formula.

  • Decreased risk of premenopausal breast cancer, uterine cancer, endometrial cancer.

  • Decreased risk of fractures due to osteoporosis in later life.

Classes are held in the Boone Hospital Conference Center.

Infant Safety and CPR

Basic parenting information, infant safety and how to prepare for emergencies. CPR instructors are certified by the American Heart Association. The two-hour classes are scheduled from 6 pm to 8 pm on Monday evenings.

1600 E Broadway
Columbia, MO 65201


South Providence Pediatrics
