More Than Friends

Here is what one newly housed father said: “There are no words to express how amazed and grateful we are to have our own place. People ask me how we accomplished this and I say that it was “our family” who made it possible. You have become more than friends to us. Do you think you could come to a barbecue at our house next weekend?”


Chance and Dawn called us after Chance lost his job and they could no longer pay for their room at a local hotel. They had no housing options and were concerned about the well-being of their two children, one of whom was a five-month old with a heart condition.

Strategic support to help them regain stability included: hotel rent, phone minutes for job search & essential business, car repair, utility deposit, getting their things out of storage, prayer and guidance. Chance says, “You gave us the exact resources we needed and we ran with it.” They are now settled in a home they are helping to repair in exchange for reduced rent and Chance is working two jobs, one as a fork lift operator and the other as an auto technician apprentice.


Seeing Possibilities


Believing for a Better Life